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5 Biblical Prayers, Two of them are Prayers on Submission

Catholicscope - Of the many prayers that are often prayed by Catholics, there are at least 5 prayers sourced from the Bible or the Holy Bible. The prayers are clearly recorded in the Scriptures.

But this doesn't mean that only these five prayers are sourced from the Bible. There are still other prayer which also comes from the Bible. We chose 5 this prayer because we often hear or most widely recited by Catholics.
But remember, of these five prayers, there are two prayers associated with total submission to God. That is, the two prayers contain elements of submission of Catholics to God.

1. The Lord's Prayer

It's certain that the first prayer that comes from the Bible is the Lord's Prayer. This prayer is even taught by Jesus directly to His disciples, as well as to us.

The Lord's Prayer is touted as the most perfect prayer and is recommended to be prayed by all Catholics. The Biblical basis of the Lord's Prayer is Matthew 6: 9-13 or Luke 11: 2-4.

2. Jonah’s Prayer

Do you remember the story of prophet Jonah? He was a prophet swallowed up by a fish for three days for against God's commands.

The Jonah's prayer is one of God's compassionate requests because we often against his commandments.

The Scripture verse that speaks of this prayer of Jonah is Jonah 2: 2-9. So, don't forget to pray like prophet Jonah, cause sometimes we also against Gods command.

3. Hannah's prayer

Hana is one of the prominent figures in the Old Testament Scriptures. He is the mother of Samuel who spent all his life living in the God's house.

Hannah's perseverance in praying and praising God's great works can be an inspiration to us as Catholics. Hana's praise prayer can be found in the passage 1 Samuel 2: 1-10.

Two Prayers of Submission

In addition to the above mentioned three prayers that have biblical foundations, there are two other prayers sourced from Scripture as well. And, these two prayers are very thick with expressions of submission to God.

4. Mary's Hymn of Praise: Magnificat

 Magnificat or also often known by the praise of Mary is a prayer of praise that describes the surrender of Mary to God. This prayer is very popular among the Legion of Mary.

You can find this Praise of Mary on Luke 1: 46-56. don't forget to bring mother Mary on whole your life.

5. Simeon's Song

 The Song of Simeon is one of the prayers of submission to God. The aged Simeon expressed his joy in old age after meeting the baby Jesus. This Simeon's Song can be found on Luke 2: 29-32. If you do not have a Bible, you can use Bible guides online at


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