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Happy News: 14 Fathers Ordained and Ready to Serve the Church

Catholicscope - Ordination is a whistle that marks the start of a match or an actual attack. Do not be hesitant because the beginning of the game demands the struggle to achieve victory.

This was conveyed by the Abbot of the Hermitage of Santa Maria Rawaseneng, Temanggung, Central Java during the Mass of the ordination of two Trapist OCSO Monks at the Monastery of Santa Maria on Thursday, 28/6.
In this moment, two monks received priestly ordination from Archbishop Robertus Rubiyatmoko of Semarang. OCSO priestly ordination is a special ordination.

Mgr Rubi said, the two ordained priests chose to live in a hermitage. They will experience solitude as a way to meet God. "Let us support them in prayer," Mgr Rubi's message.

The two monks who received this ordination were Pastor Daniel Naruh OCSO from Parish of St. Joseph Pringsewu Lampung and Pastor Yulius Darwanto OCSO from Parish of St Kristoforus Grogol, Jakarta.

The next day, Mgr Rubiyatmoko also ordains 12 Deacon candidates for Archdiocese priest of Semarang and one Deacon candidate for Xavier priest in the High Chapel Seminary of Kentungan, Yogyakarta.

Those who receive the Sacrament of the Priesthood are:

  1. Father Petrus Dwi Purnomo Adi from Parish of St John the Apostle Wonogiri
  2. Father Sebestianus Prasetya Aditama Nagara from Parish of St Maria Assumpta Klaten
  3. Father Lukas Ivan Sanjaya from Parish of St Jacob Bantul
  4. Father Antonius Invarien Alpha Andriyanto from Parish of the Secret Heart of Jesus Sukoharjo
  5. Father Andreas Khrisna Gunawan from Parish of Marganingsih Kalasan
  6. Father Yohanes Sigit Heriyanto from Parish of the Secret Heart of Jesus Ganjuran
  7. Father Thomas Ari Wibowo from Parish of Peter and Paul Klepu
  8. Father Antonius Hendri Atmoko dari from Parish of the Secret Heart of Jesus Sukoharjo
  9. Father Paulus Tri Ardhianto from Parish of St Mary's Advisor is Good Wates
  10. Father Gerardus Djoko Surawidjaja from Parish Parish of St Francis Xavier Kebon Dalem, Semarang
  11. Father Oktavianus Eka Novi Setyanta from Parish of St Peter and Paul Klepu
  12. Deacon Robertus Kardi SX from Ruteng, Manggarai NTT

Indonesia is still a fertile field for calling to become priests, nuns and brothers. Priests and nuns from Indonesia have worked in different parts of the world.

This is the real contribution of the Indonesian Church to the mission of the Catholic Church in Indonesia and the world.


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