1. Saint John Bosco
Saint John Bosco also known as Don Bosco, Giovanni Boscow, Giovanni Melchior Bosco or John Melchoir Bosco.
John Bosco is son of Francesco and Margaret Bosco. He is Was born on 16 August 185 at Becchi, Piedmont, Italy.
Two years after the birth of John Bosco, his father died. So he's just with his mother. John Bosco came from family poor, but his mom teach him to always pray to God for every single day.
In his childhood, John Bosco passed through the bitter experiences of poverty that plagued his family. At age 20, John Bosco decided to continue his education at the Chieri Seminary. nd June 5, 1841 John Bosco was ordained a priest by the bishop of Turin.
During his ministry in the world, John Bosco is known as the father of young people. One morning this father meet a young people in the sacrament room when he want to lead the mass.
Since the day, the young people who comes to him multiply every single day. He always embracing young people who doesn't have residence.
Because of love, he founded a special community for young people from rough laborers, poor people and some young people who want to be his students.
Yohanes Bosco died on 31 January 1888 at Turin, Italy. Canonized 1 April 1934 by Pope Pius XI. Catholic church take him as patron of young peoples.
2. Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Aloysius Gonzaga is also believed to be the patron of young Catholics. The piety of his life can be an example for young people.
The economy state of the Aloysius Gonzaga family isn't same as the life of St. John Don Bosco. Aloysius Gonzaga came from a military family.
Aloysius Gonzaga was born on 9 March 1568 in the family castle of Castiglione delle Stiviere in Mantua, Lombardy, Italy.
When he was 16 th, he decide to be Jesuit priest.His father don't agree with that choice, because he wanted Aloysius Gonzaga to be a military.
In early 1591, there was a disease of plague and famine who attacking the Italians. Aloysius Gonzaga wholeheartedly assisted those who were attacked by the plague. He takes care of their daily lives and prepares them to receive the sacrament.
Aloysius Gonzaga served the plague sufferers sincerely until he was infected by the plague and died at a very young age.
Died on 20-21 June 1591 at Rome, Italy and canonized by the Roman Catholic Church at 31 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. We celebrate it on 21 June.
3. Saint Carolus Lwanga
Saint Carolus Lwanga is also known as Charles Lwanga atau Karoli Lwanga.Released from www.catholicsaints.info, the figure of Carolus Lwanga also are set as protectors of young Catholics.
Carolus Lwanga was born in 1865 in Bulimu and died in a sadistic way. He was burned alive by the executioner in the Mwanga persecution.
Charles Lwanga is known as a religious teacher. He always taught the servants of the Mwanga king who wanted to become a Catholic and then he baptized them.
What did Charles Lwanga, was known by the king. Mwanga king very angry. Finally, Charles Lwanga with most of the 22 Ugandan martyrs were killed on 3 June 1886. On 18 October 1964 Carolus Lwanga canonized by Pope Paul VI at Rome, Italy and emorial on 3 June.
That is the 3 patron saints of young Catholics who can inspiring us our life. Hope this work for you guys.
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