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5 Things You Have To Know About Saint Faustina

Saint Faustina (
Catholicscope - Are you know about chaplet of the Divine Mercy? If you know that prayer, then you certainly know who saint Faustina is.

This time, we will share with you some things that must be known about Saint Faustina.

1. She believed in Jesus from childhood

Saint Faustina born names Helena Kowalska in Poland on August 25, 1905. She was the third of 10 children raised by a poor and devout family. Sister Faustina is close to Jesus since she was a child. He spends his free time with praying.

2. Love the Eucharist

When she is a seven years old, sister Faustina attending the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Since then she is always diligent in attending mass every day to be able to get communion. For Sister Faustina, through holy communion she could participate in feeling Jesus' suffering on the cross.

3. Jesus often appeared to saint Faustina

Must be known by you that in 1933, God gave sister Faustina a striking vision of His Mercy. Many things about what was seen by Saint Faustina had been written by him in a diary. You can read it at

4. Saint Faustina create by herself the image of Divine Mercy

On February 22, 1931, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ appeared to this simple nun, bringing with Him a wonderful message of Mercy for all mankind. The message is :

"In the evening, when I was in my cell, I became aware of the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment. One hand was raised in blessing, the other was touching the garment at the breast. From the opening of the garment at the breast there came forth two large rays, one red and the other pale. In silence I gazed intently at the Lord; my soul was overwhelmed with fear, but also with great joy. After a while Jesus said to me, 'paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the inscription: Jesus, I trust in You."

Sister Faustina tells us in her diary. Since the day, sister Faustina intrude to world about Mercy of Jesus to all of us.

5. Saint pope John Paul II called Saint Faustina “the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time.”

On Divine Mercy Sunday, 2000, Saint Pope John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina. He approved of the message of Divine Mercy and declared that the Catholic Church would celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter as “Divine Mercy Sunday.”

During his homily, he said, “By this act of canonization of Saint Faustina, I intend today to pass this message on to the third millennium. I pass it on to all people, so that they will learn to know ever better the true face of God and the true face of their neighbor. In fact, love of God and love of one’s neighbor are inseparable.”

That’s something facts about saint Faustina. If you in trouble, you can pray divine mercy chaplet or some prayer like she explain to us. Remember, trust in Jesus like he said : “whoever Believes in me has eternal life”.


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